5 Ways to Add Humor to Your Memoir

Do you believe that memoir has to be serious in order to get your point across? Think again! Let me teach you 5 Ways to Add Humor to Your Memoir. Adding humor to memoir will hold the attention of the reader longer by lightening the mood. It also helps us remember what we were reading. In his bestselling book, “On Writing Well,” author William Zinsser, writes that “humor is the secret weapon of the nonfiction writer.” It is often the best tool and only tool for making an important point. https://davehood59.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/adding-humor-to-your-creative-nonfiction-writing/ 1. Use funny sounding words Words that have the hard “k” and “p” elicit humor. We can’t help but … [Read more...]

I’m Featured on Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop

It's a great privilege to be featured on Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop this week. In addition to showcasing different humorous authors, this site provides advice for writers, author interviews, markets and contests. One of my favorite sections is called, "Erma Says." “Do you know what depression is? It's sitting in your doctor's examination room. In a paper dress. On a cold table. And it's the high spot of your week.” (from "Dumpy Paper Dress--March 31, 1977," which appears in Forever Erma) Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop The Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop will be held at the University of Dayton on April 10-12. Guess who's going? That's right! I was one of the first 350 to snag a … [Read more...]

How to Write Funny

So, you need a few tips on how to write funny? No one knows exactly what makes a person laugh but I do know a couple of writing tricks to guarantee a giggle. First, I hunt in books, newspapers and the Internet for curious words and clever phrases. Then, I use my collection to enrich my writing and keep it fresh. Here are a few examples of my word anthology: Onomatopoeia Pronounced (on-o-mat-o-pee-a): noun. The naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss) Remember the classic 1960s Batman and Robin TV show?  The fight scenes were filled with delicious words like Zoink, Bam, Zap, Whammm and Krunch. Onomatopoeia will add a snap, crackle, … [Read more...]

What I Know To Increase Blog Traffic – Part 2

Learn more about ways to increase your blog traffic up to 400%. The following techniques are suitable for the advanced blogger. PR Checker PR Checker – This site checks page rank of your website pages instantly. It’s simple to run. You just submit the URL of your website and click “Check PR” button. Best of all, it’s free! http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php Word Count Word Count – WordPress recommends 300 words maximum per blog. According to itechcode.com, “One of the most important concerns facing any blogger is SEO. All things being equal, Google tends to rank articles that hover around the 300-word mark higher than longer or shorter articles. For purposes of attracting the … [Read more...]

What I Know to Increase Blog Traffic

  What do I know to increase blog traffic? Enough to help you stop wasting time and get on with the business of promoting your blog! My blog has been up for only ten months but my traffic has increased over 400% by following the rules below. Part 1 Focus Keyword – Pick a focus word or phrase that best represents your story. Put the focus word in the title of your article. Copy your focus word into the focus keyword section of the WordPress SEO exactly as you have it in the title. Then use the focus word or phrase in the first sentence, last sentence and several times in the story. For example, my focus keyword for this article is “increase blog traffic.” Hash Tags – Use … [Read more...]

Wasting Time? A Writer’s Diary Exposed

Why am I wasting so much time? I started a writer's diary in my quest for answers. Today 6:30  Repeat five times, “Today is the day I am going to work on my NOVEL.” 6:40  Brush teeth.  Check email.  Oh boy, 40 new messages. Delete 39. 6:50  Wake up son for school, start breakfast, tidy up kitchen, run a load of laundry, drive son to school. 8:00  Check Internet.  Must know more about sinkhole in Florida that opened up and swallowed a man. 8:10  Phone rings.  Mother shares weird neighbor story.  Is it really possible to set house on fire by turning on hair dryer and washing machine at the same time?  Doubtful. 8:30  Draft new blog, “101 Ways to Avoid Writing a … [Read more...]