Hey Kitlit Authors and Illustrators!
Are you a Kidlit Author or Illustrator? Have you heard of #PBCritiqueFest? Check it out! Amazing prizes!
This massive one-time critique giveaway will give 32 kidlit creators an opportunity to have their work critiqued by published authors, illustrators, and literary agents. Go to https://www.pbspotlight.com
The good news is, if you’re familiar with #PBCritiqueFest, this year will mostly feel very similar to the previous three years. If you’re new to the festival, winners are selected randomly, raffle-style, but you can increase your odds by earning additional entries when you help promote the festival and participants’ books. The vast majority of last year’s winners had significant multiple entries–it really does make a difference! To register, you have to subscribe to Picture Book Spotlight, and fill out the initial Registration Form (going live October 21st). That puts you in the running and could get you a win by itself.
And now…the 2022 #PBCritiqueFest participants!
For more information, go the organizers site at https://www.pbspotlight.com
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